Buy coffee. Help a Ranger. Save a Rhino
Percentage of profits go directly to IAPF Rangers fighting rhino poaching in Southern Africa.

Mission Statement

Locally, nationally and internationally, Rhino Horn Coffee is a vocal advocate for the rhino conservation.
We aim to raise funds for underfunded rangers through coffee sales




Through Coffee



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  • Large-scale poaching of the now critically endangered black rhino resulted in a dramatic 96% decline from 65,000 individuals in 1970 to just 2,300 in 1993.
  • "We are fighting a war. A World Wildlife War. Without the right backing, we cannot maintain the battle against the never-ending onslaught of wildlife crime." Damien Mander
  • "Sometimes rangers aren’t even paid, and in some situations if they get killed their widow and children are thrown out of their homes because space is needed for the replacement. We need to make the rangers feel that they’re valued.” Dr Jane Goodall

Meet Our Gladiators - Damien Mander

Damien is a former sniper in the Australian Special Forces who fought in Iraq and Afghanistan. He also managed the Iraq Special Police Training Academy, overseeing the training of up to 700 cadets at one time.

Frustrated by the inability of law enforcement and national governments to effectively counter rhino poachers during a trip to Zimbabwe, he founded the International Anti-Poaching Foundation (IAPF) and applied military training and techniques to wildlife units in hopes of protecting endangered species around the world.
